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Five Mental-Health-Boosting Tips that Anyone Can Follow

In the past years, the prevalence of mental health problems became widely known. With one in four of us suffering from issues regarding our psychological health at some point in our lifetime, we must know how to boost and maintain a healthy emotional state. Our mental balance can affect every aspect of your life, from work to friendships, to your own relationship with yourself. We’ve gathered some of the fundamental factors that affect your mental condition, and wrote down exactly what you need to do daily to maintain a good psychological state. And it’s easier than you think!

You Probably Need More Sleep

With more than thirty percent of adults suffering from sleep deprivation or sleep-related problems, it is recommended that you make sure you’re getting enough sleep. The happiest and most productive people admit to getting at least nine full hours of sleep a night, compared to most adults who only sleep for about six hours a night. Lack of sleep has been proven to cause mental health problems such as depression due to the lack of energy and motivation. Sleep is also vital for proper brain functioning, and the lack of it can interfere with the brain’s ability to produce the chemicals it needs. While suddenly getting nine full hours of sleep is a drastic and unrealistic change for most, there are ways of slowly increasing the amount of rest you get. One is to start going to bed fifteen minutes earlier every day, gradually increasing the sleeping hours you get. Continue to do so daily until you reach the recommended duration of daily sleep. Other options include changing your sleeping environment so that you can fall asleep more easily, such as pillow mists or temperature conditions.

Body in Motion – Mind at Peace

When exercising, your body releases stress-relieving and mood-boosting endorphins, which is why people often recommend exercise as a tool against stress, anxiety, and depression. To keep your mood boosted look for ways to add exercise into your day. It can be simply choosing to take the stairs, going for a walk at lunch, or going to a class after work. Exercise is something that can benefit anyone’s mental health, and the options are so varied that you are sure to find an activity that works for you. Whether you choose to work out in the gym or at home, go jogging or do yoga – you have to get moving if you want to maintain .sound mental state.

Sharing Thoughts and Emotions is a Must

Having someone that you can call up for a chat about anything is crucial for your mental health. It allows a space for venting, helps eliminate shame and stress, and makes you feel that you are valued by others. Social interaction is the only solution for keeping down feelings of loneliness and is beneficial in preventing depression. Even if it’s just once a week for a phone call or a coffee, make sure you have someone that you can be open with. We all need someone we can turn to when we start to feel our mental health spiraling. When you experience difficulty in life, it is essential to be open about any problems you have and to get the support you need. Remember – meaningful relationships go both ways, so make sure to always check in on your loved ones to see how they’re doing too.

Food for Thought 

Many people don’t connect mental health to their nutrition, but as the mind and body are connected, what you eat plays a big part in how you feel. Eating nourishing superfoods like carbohydrates can help to increase the amount of serotonin in the body, which is known to have a calming effect. An unhealthy diet that is full of high-fat processed foods can take a high toll on your brain and mood. People who eat unhealthily often experience issues with disturbed sleep, low energy, and a weakened immune system. To ensure that you are feeling your best, you should consider swapping to a wholesome diet that is low in sugar and rich in healthy fats. People respond differently to certain foods, so do some research before deciding what types of food yo you want to consume daily.
If you adopt the habits mentioned above, you should automatically feel a mood boost and be at a lower risk of developing mental health problems. However, if you push yourself too hard, trying to implement all of them at once may cause stress, so make sure to be attentive to yourself. The best way to change your habits is by taking small yet consistent steps. What is the first one you will take?

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