Funniest Sports Photos That Will Crack Your Ribs And Confuse Your Brain!
A Sweaty Kiss
It takes a lot of stamina to play against each other on the court. Most players may not be too gentle to those players against whom they are playing. There have been some legendary on-field tussles. There is always one risk too many for players to get hurt on the field. Something like this happened in this game too when a basketball player tried to block the game or try to get the better of the opponent and snatch the ball.
Things got more heated when the guy decided to land a sweaty peck on the other player’s face. Now, if he wasn’t asking for it, he is sure to go livid with anger for the so-called ‘harmless’ act. The guy who got the peck seems really angry with the guy!
Messy Lunch
Nobody complains about a dripping cheese on you as you devour a hotdog or do they, we don’t think that there is a thing called too much cheese! The lady here did the cardinal sin of not licking the cheese first and instead thought of eating the Vienna sausage first and we can only imagine the messy aftermath of making a mistake like that.

Perhaps she was just too enraptured with the game. Hopefully, she managed to take care of the cheese which threatened to spoil her outfit and her mood. We hope everything was alright and she got to enjoy both, her burger and the match.
Lending Support for Number 3
Was there a more creative way of lending support to their favorite team player? Clearly not, as the man channelizes all the creativity in him and perhaps takes the help of his wife to carve the number 3 on his back. It would have taken the wife quite an effort to carve it on her husband’s back.

Hopefully, their son or whoever they were supporting came out of the game with flying colors. So, what happens after the game? Does the man shave his entire back? Hopefully, he does so.
Strike Em’ Out
Baseball is a very popular game but the rules and regulations of the game are really weird. There are runners who follow the ball calling out the runners out of the field. The game is all about running the bases and using ball hitting to avoid a force out. Here the base runner was caught off guard as his time came early and the catcher wasn’t having any of it.

So, the catcher touched him with the ball and he had to punch it out. We think even the Giants were caught by surprise. We think that the catcher was thinking that it was only a start, bring it on!
Dressed to Kill
The girl here has not come here just to watch a game but also to score some extra brownie points on the fashion scorecard. It is pretty evident that she is supporting the Dodgers and she is sure loves flaunting her support and is pretty proud of it. While she is offering her support, she also has the audience on her.

The girl has certainly taken pains to create the perfect sartorial choice and we love a girl who takes endeavors to dress right even if it is for a game. The appreciative stares around her do validate her fashion choices.