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Property Brothers’ JD Scott on his fight with a ‘Mysterious’ Illness

J.D. Scott has opened up about the debilitating mystery illness that he’s been battling for 13 months.

J.D. Scott is best known for being the oldest brother to appear on shows Property Brothers at Home and Brother vs. Brother Scott always brings a positive attitude and sibling banter to the shows; however, things have not been as happy off-screen.

The star took to Instagram last week with his fiancée Annalee Belle in a video detailing his health issues and sharing details on how serious the situation became.

Scott’s symptoms gradually got worse over time, starting with a crawling feeling in his head, which was diagnosed as being caused by allergies. However, his symptoms continued to develop, leading to him to admit to a hospital in May.

In that event, Scott was concerned and afraid that he was going to die that he wrote a plan and passwords down for his fiancee who was out of town at the time. Fortunately, he survived the health scare.

JD continued to travel back and forth between doctors’, tests and scans while the professionals tried to diagnose his growing list of symptoms, which included hypersensitivity to heat, dementia, fainting, and a crawling head sensation.

Scott visited a rheumatologist, a radiologist, three neurologists, a neurosurgeon, and an ophthalmologist who all couldn’t offer any explanations to what the illness was or how it could be cured.

Eventually, Scott was put into contact with Dr. Scott Jacobson, who is a functional physician practicing both western and holistic medicine. It was here that test results showed Scott’s body to be reacting in the way it might to an autoimmune disease, with his antibodies going through the roof.

The solution was to begin taking antibiotics alongside a diet that cut out wheat, dairy, soy, gluten, and sugar. While he is still not completely healthy, he is getting better every day.

JD remains to keep a positive attitude and is looking forward to recovering and marrying his fiancée, who had been his primary support throughout his illness.

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