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An Overview Of Mental Health In Men

Mental illnesses affect men and women equally, but the possibilities of men discussing their feelings and seeking treatment that are fewer as compared to women. Recognizing the signs that a person has a problem with moods or a mental disorder is the initial step to getting the necessary treatment and leading a better life.

“Men’s mental health should be recognized as a social issue as much as a health issue, with attention paid to issues such as unemployment and familial disruption.” –Rob Whitney  

 Mental Health In Men: Warning signs

Although mental disorders are common among men and women, the willingness to speak about them differs. This may perhaps be the reason why the symptoms faced by men appear different. Men who suffer from depression or an anxiety disorder will attempt to hide their emotions and may even appear aggressive. On the other hand, women may express a feeling of sadness. Men also try and hide their emotional problems with the use of alcohol or drugs. Mental health issues can sometimes appear as physical problems; men may feel a tightening of the chest, ongoing headaches, and digestive issues. These could be indications of an emotional problem.

The warning signs of mental health problems in men include the following:

  • — Anger, aggressiveness, and irritability.
  • — Noticeable changes in energy levels, mood, and appetite.
  • — Sleep deprivation or sleeping too much.
  • — Difficulties in concentrating, restlessness and feeling on edge at all times.
  • — Heightened concerns and feeling stressed.
  • — A desire to have alcohol or drugs.
  • — Sadness and hopelessness.
  • — Suicidal thoughts.
  • — Engaging in high-risk activities, having negative emotions and suffering from ongoing headaches, digestive issues, or pain.
  • — Thoughts or behaviors which interfere with work, family, and social life.
  • — Obsessive thinking or compulsive behavior.
  • — Unusual thinking or behaviors concerning other people.

Women may also display some of these symptoms, but they may not be precisely the same.

 What Actions Should Men Take?

If you are one of the men with mental health issues, contact your physician or healthcare provider to diagnose you and understand exactly what is affecting you.

You may be referred to a psychologist or a mental health professional for further diagnosis and tests, but you should have an honest discussion with your doctor; honesty will pave the path for effective treatment. Depending on the type of disorder you have, treatment will be provided.


Healthcare professionals and psychologists may decide to use a combination of treatments when dealing with a mental health disorder. While some people may be advised to undergo talk therapy, others may need to take antidepressants for a period of time.

You should also make changes to your diet and get some regular physical activity. These treatment plans have been developed after plenty of research. Since mental health conditions are unlike physical problems that can be seen and felt, those who suffer from them should be treated in line with the recommended treatment practices by the medical fraternity.

“As the National Football League and other pro sports increasingly reckon with, early dementia, mental health issues, suicides and even criminal behavior of former players, the risk of what’s known as chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE), is becoming clear.”Jeffrey Kluger

If you are a man and have mental health issues, rest assured that there are treatments for your condition. You just need to ensure that you follow the treatment plan for best results.

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