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Celebrity Trainer Jeanette Jenkins Shares 5 Key Workout Motivations

Jeanette Jenkins is one of the most sought-after celebrity trainers, known for her ability to motivate and inspire people to achieve their fitness goals. With years of experience working with A-list clients, Jenkins has learned what it takes to stay consistent and committed to fitness.

Now, let’s go ahead and explore the five key workout motivations that help her clients stay on track and live healthier lives.

Work Out First Thing in the Morning for the Best Experience

Jeanette Jenkins firmly believes that working out first thing in the morning sets a positive tone for the rest of the day. She explains that getting your workout done early boosts your energy levels. Plus, it also gives you a sense of accomplishment before most people even start their day.

Morning workouts jumpstart your metabolism, and according to Jenkins, they are one of the best ways to get your mind and body aligned, setting a productive rhythm that lasts for hours.

Always Watch Your Calorie Intake

Jeanette Jenkins stresses the importance of paying attention to what you eat. Watching your calorie intake is crucial for both weight management and performance. Jenkins explains that even if you are working out regularly, consuming too many calories can hinder your progress.

Jeanette Jenkins

Jenkins / IG / Understanding how much you are consuming versus how much you are burning is key to seeing results, Jenkins suggests.

Jenkins advises her clients to be mindful of portion sizes and to avoid high-calorie, low-nutrient foods. She recommends tracking your meals to stay accountable. This practice not only keeps your nutrition in check. It also helps you develop a deeper understanding of how food affects your body and performance.

Swap Coffee for a Healthy Green Juice, Jeanette Jenkins Recommends

While many people reach for a cup of coffee for a quick boost of energy, Jeanette Jenkins suggests a healthier alternative: a green juice packed with nutrients. Jenkins prefers green juice over coffee because it provides a natural, sustained energy boost without the crash that comes with caffeine.

Why? Green juice is full of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. This helps improve overall health and support your workout goals.

According to Jenkins, this switch can make a huge difference in your energy levels and recovery time. She points out that green juice hydrates your body and replenishes it with essential nutrients. Thus, helping you recover faster after workouts.

Focus on Yoga and Spiritual Well-Being

In addition to physical workouts, Jeanette Jenkins highlights the importance of mental and spiritual well-being. She incorporates yoga into her routines to help clients connect their minds and bodies. According to Jenkins, incorporating yoga into your workout routine helps you stay centered, focused, and more in tune with your body.

Jeanette Jenkins

Freepik / Beyond the physical practice of yoga, Jenkins also recommends finding ways to nurture your spiritual health.

For her, going to church or practicing other forms of spiritual reflection is a key component of overall well-being. Jenkins believes that when you take care of your mind and spirit, you are better equipped to handle the challenges of a fitness journey.

Do Meal Prepping to Understand How Much Work It Takes

Jeanette Jenkins is a strong advocate for meal prepping. She believes that planning your meals in advance is not just about convenience. It is also a powerful tool for understanding how much work it takes to burn off excess calories.

Jenkins points out that when you meal prep, you become more conscious of portion sizes, ingredients, and the overall nutritional value of your meals. This awareness makes it easier to stick to your fitness goals.

Jenkins encourages her clients to meal prep because it reduces the temptation to make unhealthy food choices during busy or stressful days. By having healthy, balanced meals ready to go, you are less likely to grab a calorie-laden snack or fast food.

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